An initiative by

グローバルファンドの e-フォーラム が始まりました

グローバルファンドの e-フォーラム が始まりました

グローバルファンド e-フォーラム

Week1-2: April 20 – May 3
– General Questions
– Priorities for the Three Diseases
– Gender

Week3-4: May 4 – May 17
– Human Rights/Key Affected Populations
– Sustainability and Transition

Week5-6: May 18 – May 31
– Funding Model Feedback
– Challenging Operating Systems

Week7-8: June 1 – 14
– Health Systems Strengthening
– Community Systems Strengthening

Week9-10: June 15 – 30
– Summary feedback and discussion



1. Please tell us one or two priorities that you would like to see appearing prominently in the next Global Fund Strategy and why.

2. Do you have any big-picture concerns about the strategic directon of the Global Fund today?

3. How can the Global Fund best support countries in achieving greater programmatic impact?

Priorities for the Three Diseases

4. What should be the major priority areas for investment for each of the three diseases (HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria) over the period of the next Global Fund Strategy (2017-2021)? Please consider epidemiological, social and financial aspects in arriving at your response.

5. In order to end the three epidemics,  resources must be geared to interventions and populations that are most strategic to achieve impact.  For each of the three diseases, how can the Global Fund make best use of resources to maximize impact?  What further improvements and changes should be adopted?


6. The Global Fund is committed to addressing gender inequities in its operations, investments and supported interventions. What are the three main barriers to achieving this?

7. How can the Global Fund reduce inequities in accessing HIV, TB and malaria services?

Human Rights / Key Affected Populations

8. The Global Fund is committed to protecting and promoting human rights as part of its Strategy. What can the Global Fund do better or do differently?

9. What can the Global Fund do to ensure equity in access to services for key and vunerable populations?

Sustainability and Transition

10. How can the Global Fund best support efforts to increase domestic financing and domestic support for health?

11. What has the Global Fund done well in its engagement with countries that have transitioned or are in the process of transitioning from Global Fund financing. What can it do better in the future?

Funding Model Feedback

12. The funding model was designed based on the principles of flexibility, simplicity, shorter approval processes, enhanced engagement and improved predictability of funding. To what extent has it delivered on these principles?

13. What can be done to enhance input from technical partners in the planning and implementation of grants?

Challenging Operating Environments (countries in acute or chronic crisis)

14. What can the Global Fund do better in its engagement in challenging operating environments?

15. How can the Global Fund better support services for communities affected by HIV, TB and malaria, including women and girls, in conflict and post-conflict settings?

Health Systems Strengthening

16. How can the Global Fund better support efforts to build resilient health systems while maintaining investments in the three diseases?

Community Systems Strengthening

17. How can the Global Fund better support sustained community systems and responses for health?

